Subject: IQM: V1.22 Insurance Quote Mastr Author: Brett Simpson (The Dreamtime) Uploaded By: InsQtMstr Date: 5/14/1998 File: IQM12.ZIP (3405628 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 15 minutes Download Count: 113 Equipment: 20MB Free Disk Space Needs: An unZIPping Program, Win 3.1, Win95 Keywords: Simpson, Dreamtime, Insurance, Client, Quote, Win31, Win95 Type: Shareware Demo Quote Master is Insurance Quotation/Contact Management software. It will calculate your quotations, print out mailing labels, clients list and quotes and quotation worksheets with one click. Save and restore quotations for multiple products with automatic recalculation. Quote Master is fully customized and individually created for each purchaser according to your own specifications. Automatic recalculation with any input or product change means that you can throw away your calculator. Choose to include Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly or Monthly rate options specific to each client, and Quote Master automatically calculates discounts and checks the age ranges for each plan that you offer. It is customizable too, letting you decide which plans that each client is interested in, and it prints informative Questionnaire information for you on each worksheet. To install, unZIP: IQM12.ZIP, then run: SETUP.EXE To run, enter: IQMEVAL.EXE Documentation: README.TXT rd